CSE 11 Syllabus
Introduction to Computer Science
Object-Oriented Programming: Java
(Accelerated Pace)
Fall 2014
Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00 - 9:20am
Center Hall 115
Discussion Sections:
Fridays: 9:00-9:50am (Center Hall 119) or 1:00-1:50pm (Center Hall 119)
Home Base Lab:
EBU3B B240 -- basement of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) building
Jesse Porter -- EBU3B 4122 (Computer Science & Engineering building)
Office Hours: Wednesdays 6-8pm in my office, or by appt
Kim Bruce, Andrea Danyluk, Thomas Murtagh, Java - An Eventful
Approach, 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.
Joshua Bloch, Effective Java, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall.
Mark Sobell, A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell
Programming, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall.
Peek, Todino, and Strang, Learning the Unix Operating System, Latest
Edition, O'Reilly.
5 Quizzes |
10% |
Programming HWs |
40% |
1 Midterm |
20% |
1 Final |
30% |
A- / A / A+ |
90.00-92.99% / 93.00-99.99% / 100+% |
B- / B / B+ |
80.00-82.99% / 83.00-86.99% / 87.00-89.99% |
C- / C / C+ |
70.00-72.99% / 73.00-76.99% / 77.00-79.99% |
D |
60.00-69.99% |
F |
< 60% |
You must earn at least 50% of the possible points on the Programming
Assignments to receive a passing grade of C- or better.
Schedule (may change slightly):
0) What is Programming Anyway? [Ch. 1]
1) What's in a Name? [Ch. 2]
Working with Numbers [Ch. 3]
Making Choices [Ch. 4]
Primitive Types, Operators, and Strings [Ch. 5]
2) Classes [Ch. 6]
Declarations and Scope [Ch. 8]
Control Structures [Ch. 7]
3) Active Objects [Ch. 9]
Interfaces [Ch. 10]
4) Introduction to Object-Oriented Design [Ch. 21]
Graphical User Interfaces in Java [Ch. 11]
5) Recursion [Ch. 12]
6) Holiday
General Loops in Java [Ch. 13]
Arrays [Ch. 14]
7) Arrays [Ch. 14]
Multidimensional Arrays [Ch. 15]
Class Object and ArrayList
8) Strings and Characters [Ch. 16]
Inheritance & Polymorphism [Ch. 17]
9) Inheritance & Polymorphism [Ch. 17]
Inheritance & Polymorphism [Ch. 17]
10) Inheritance & Polymorphism [Ch. 17]
Exceptions [Ch. 18]
Searching and Sorting [Ch. 20]
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